ВАLTECH GmbH - Fundamentals for vibration diagnostics of pumping equipment The company BALTECH holds training courses and seminars for vibration diagnostics in Russia, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine and Germany every month. Each enterprise has usually a big amount of fans and pumps; therefore vibration diagnostics of pumping equipment is the main task for each diagnostic department. We offer training of theoretical and practical skills based on the newest and advanced equipment for vibration measurement CSI 2140 and BALTECH VP-3470 series.
Let’s have a look at pumping equipment.
Pumps have different types and configurations. There are centrifugal, axial, piston-type, vertical, rotor-type, screw and displacement pumps. They can have one or more pumping steps, can be central or overhung, they can move liquids or gases. Our course ТОР-103 «Fundamentals for vibration diagnostics of pumping equipment» is based on all the distinctive features.
Pump impellers rotate with a high speed in a housing moving at the same time flowing liquid. Under centrifugal forces flowing liquid is moving out of the pump. Flowing fluid speed on a pump output is higher than on a pump inlet.
Bernoulli"s principle states that an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure. The low pressure caused with a pump impeller generates suction pressure on the pump output. The suction pressure causes intake of more liquid into a pump over a suction pipe. Many pumps have only one pump impeller for generation of intake capacity and pressure needed for overcoming flow resistance. Such pumps are called as single-stage pumps, because they have only one pump impeller. With the equipment of the company BALTECH used for repair you can perform proper mounting of bearings (induction heaters BALTECH HI-1630), balancing of pump impellers on the machine BALTECH BCM, and complex and periodic vibration diagnostics of pumping equipment while operation with the new state-of-the-art vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 (e.g. vibration diagnostics of bearings, pump impellers, foundation, electromagnetic drive parts, detection of unbalance and misalignment).
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сайт: http://www.baltech.biz/
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