BALTECH HI-1604 –electrical hot plate for part heating Electrical hot plate BALTECH HI-1604 is intended for high performance heating of bearings and other parts with the purpose of their hot fit on shafts and other mounting surfaces. The plate can be used during equipment repair and assembly. The heater and control elements are integrated in a single housing, which ensures safety and operating convenience. The heating platform allows to heat several parts simultaneously. BALTECH HI-1604 -electrical hot plate for part heating.

Компания BALTECH KZ г. Санкт-Петербург Казахстан, Астана, пр. Победы 79б, офис 408 тел.: (7172) 52-29-42 e-mail:
Объявление подано: 07.03.2013 Просмотров - 289 Номер: 622028