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BALTECH – Softcheck, Target Values, Hot Check, Machine Defined Data (Fixturlaser NXA Pro) (Reliability technologies)

BALTECH – Softcheck, Target Values, Hot Check, Machine Defined Data (Fixturlaser NXA Pro) (Reliability technologies)

Actions prior to the alignment.
Before the laser shaft alignment, always perform a visual inspection of the mechanism, check the speed and alignment tolerances for this mechanism, as well as prepare the centering plate BALTECH-1,2,3,4 (steel shims). For best results, accurate laser shaft alignment system with Fixturlaser NXA Pro, check whether or bent shafts were, the state of the frame (base, frame) of the machine, whether the place of loosening the foundation. The laser shaft alignment machines, in the case of knowledge of the value of influence tension lines or thermal deformation, it is easy to be done while in the compensation program influences.
Control program straightness used in Fixturlaser NXA Pro, designed to measure the straightness of guides and long shafts, can also be used to control the flatness of the bed (the foundation, frame). Temperature compensation program allows pre-set the amount of compensation known thermal expansion of the shaft or the amount of the ascent to the oil wedge dynamics. Required values are commonly found in a passport or other technical documentation on the car. Fixturlaser NXA Pro allows you to enter and take into account the well-known pre-misalignment on the support or coupling (angular and parallel misalignment). BALTECH – Softcheck, Target Values, Hot Check, Machine Defined Data (Fixturlaser NXA Pro - Reliability technologies).

BALTECH – Softcheck, Target Values, Hot Check, Machine Defined Data (Fixturlaser NXA Pro)  (Reliability technologies)BALTECH – Softcheck, Target Values, Hot Check, Machine Defined Data (Fixturlaser NXA Pro)  (Reliability technologies)

г. Санкт-Петербург
Казахстан, Астана, пр. Победы 79б, офис 408
тел.: (7172) 52-29-42, 52-29-43, 52-29-66
сайт: http://www.baltech.kz

Объявление подано: 26.03.2013 Просмотров - 318 Номер: 629053

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