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ВАLTECH GmbH - Vibration diagnostics and training with the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 on machine diagnostics

ВАLTECH GmbH - Vibration diagnostics and training with the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 on machine diagnostics

The training course ТОР-103 «Fundamentals for vibration diagnostics and machine diagnostics» is recommended for beginner and advanced specialists. If you already have a system for vibration diagnostics or you want to establish effective diagnostics on your enterprise, this course is right for you.
The training course is based on vibration analyzers BALTECH VP-3470 as well as balancing solutions and programs BALTECH Balance.
Professional training of specialists for vibration diagnostics is carried out within 40 hours (5 days) and begins with the test according to the concept “Reliability technologies”.
1) Theoretical training in vibration diagnostics – 22 hours,
2) Practical training based on portable, stand and stationary systems – 16 hours,
3) Vibration measurement and practical examination – 2 hours.
The program of training course for vibration diagnostics ТОР-103:
- The concept “Reliability technologies”, as a basis for a complex approach to equipment service
- Choice of diagnostic strategy and kinds of maintenance and repair
- Methods for technical diagnostics. Practical training with the new vibration analyzers BALTECH VP-3470.
- Introduction to machine vibration. Terms and definitions. Vibration parameters. Phase. Complex vibration. Natural frequency. Methods for resonance detection. Spectrum analysis. 1 octave and 1/3 octave spectrum.
- Low frequency, medium frequency and high frequency vibration and its characteristics. Trends. Kinds of monitoring and diagnostic systems. Requirements for vibration analyzing equipment. Vibration measurement and correction.
- Free and forced vibration, natural frequency of vibration systems. Vibration sensors. Practical training with the balance system BALTECH-Bal and the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470.
- Condition monitoring according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 10816. Vibration standards and norms. Practical training.
- Methods and kinds of vibration measurement. Diagnostic symptoms for vibration analysis of rotating equipment (pumps, compressors, electric motors, gear boxes, rolling element bearings, sleeve bearings, fans etc.). Machine diagnostics.
- Diagnostics of equipment and machines. Waveform analysis: frequency analysis, interval, damping rate, stationary and nonstationary signals.
- Vibration correction and machine diagnostics.
- Check of operation load on bearings. Dynamic balancing in own bearing and on machines. Static and moment rotor unbalance.
- Stationary and stand systems for vibration monitoring and protection. Practical training with the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 and balancing machine BALTECH BCM-6150.

ВАLTECH GmbH - Vibration diagnostics and training with the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 on machine diagnosticsВАLTECH GmbH - Vibration diagnostics and training with the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 on machine diagnostics

Romanov Roman
г. Санкт-Петербург
тел.: +49 (0) 451-370-87-700
сайт: http://www.baltech.biz/

Объявление подано: 31.03.2014 Просмотров - 282 Номер: 748227

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