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BALTECH TR- 01100 (160х120) – with the software for thermal image processing BALTECH Expert

The infrared camera BALTECH TR- 01100 (160х120) with a software for thermal image processing.
Based on the existing database we can make initial conclusion that under above mentioned monitoring conditions:

1. Places of connections of tire fitting of electric locomotive electric circuit can have normal heating up to 34 - 35 0С, at the higher temperature a broach of bolt clamp is required;
2. Coils of electromagnetic contactors have an operating heating 72 - 73 0С. Higher heating temperature indicates a defective coil (turn-to-turn short circuit);
3. Fixing points of auxiliary equipment wirings are heated not over 25 – 26 0С. Overheating of these points was not detected.
In 2013 we started checking axle boxes, anchor and traction motor support bearings in wheel-motor units on the stand after assembly. We are collecting data. In our opinion, the infrared cameras BALTECH TR-01100 Series are the best solution for monitoring locomotives, their mechanical and electrical equipment.

BALTECH TR- 01100 (160х120) – with the software for thermal image processing BALTECH Expert

г. Санкт-Петербург
Казахстан, Астана, пр. Победы 79б, офис 408
тел.: (7172) 52-29-42, 52-29-43, 52-29-66
сайт: http://www.baltech.kz

Объявление подано: 07.03.2013 Просмотров - 313 Номер: 622117

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