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ВАLTECH GmbH - Manual balancing or possibly of balancing at home

Now balancing at home is possible, if you have the easy and low-cost system BALTECH Bal or the new vibrometer-balancer BALTECH VP-3470 series. Manual balancing can be conducted quickly and in three steps: measurement – calculation of balancing weights – installation. But there are always balancing errors or reasons limiting balancing. E.g. you have to remember!
1) Balancing is not possible, if rotor geometry is failed. E.g. you are driving a car and getting into a pit, you’re your car getting an impact will go to a border, after what wheel discs will be bent. In a car service you will hear: «Sorry, balancing is not possible, because at first you have to roll wheel discs», it means you have to reconstruct wheel (in our case rotor) geometry.
2) Balancing can’t be conducted, if the machine has bearing or foundation defects. In this case there will be increased vibration, which will disturb to perform manual balancing.

Balancing errors:
- Vector averages (composition and decomposition of vectors will always cause errors),
- User and other errors (imperfect masses and angle of weight installation)
- Graphic display
- Control of data periodicity (measurement stability)
- Function of a multiplexer (data collection from different channels is in error)
For simple manual balancing at home or in shop-floor conditions you can use the function “BALANCING” in the BALTECH VP-3470, which has the following modes:
- One-plane. This function allows manual balancing of rotating elements with the diameter bigger than the length.
- Two-planes. This function allows home balancing of rotating elements fixed on two bearings.
- N-planes. This function allows manual balancing of rotating elements, which have n-planes for balancing.
- Calculator. This function allows calculation of balancing mass and its installation angle according to available data of vibration amplitude and phase.
- Trim balancing. This function allows manual balancing of machines using previously saved data.
- Vector calculator. This function allows calculation of installation places for balancing masses, if it is impossible to install masses at recommended place.

ВАLTECH GmbH - Manual balancing or possibly of balancing at homeВАLTECH GmbH - Manual balancing or possibly of balancing at home

Romanov Roman
г. Кемерово
тел.: +49 (0) 451-370-87-700
сайт: http://www.baltech.biz/

Объявление подано: 02.04.2014 Просмотров - 329 Номер: 748894

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