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ВАLTECH GmbH - BALTECH VP-3470 – vibration diagnostics of machines, vibration diagnostics of bearings

Vibration diagnostics of machines and bearings becomes nowadays easier with the new vibrometer-balancer BALTECH VP-3470. Time of complicated measurement devices is passed away. If you buy the system in our office, we will carry out training of your specialists within our training course ТОР-103 «Fundamentals for vibration diagnostics of machines and bearings». Diagnostic system based on the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 + expert software BALTECH Expert let cover a wide range of machines accordint to the international standards ISO 10816-3, ISO 10816-7, IORS and other norms and vibration tolerances.
Unique features for vibration diagnostics of machines:
1) Number of channels - 2 analog channels + 1 synchronizing channel
2) Inputs - ICP accelerometer (two channels), speed sensor (one channel)
3) Transducer type - Accelerometer, speed sensor, stroboscope
4) Integration - Digital
5) Frequency range – 0,5 – 10000 Hz
6) Maximum bandpass flatness - +/- 5%
The software for vibration diagnostics of bearings and condition monitoring
BALTECH Expert is a complex software for machine condition monitoring, diagnostics and analysis for use with the shaft alignment systems BALTECH SA Series, vibration measurement and balancing systems BALTECH VP Series, temperature control devices BALTECH TR Series.
BALTECH Expert capacities:
• Multilevel database configuration
• Creation of routes
• Manual data input
• Vibration monitoring ISO 10816, 25364, 30576 ,etc.
• Threshold setting
• Analysis and trending of vibration level, spectra, waveforms, scalars
• Analysis and diagnostics throughout all the hierarchy levels
• Thermal image processing
• Report creation (vibration measurement, alignment, balancing)
For improvement of your qualification in the areas «Kinds of bearing defects» and «Reasons of bearing defects» we recommend to visit our training course BU-201 (Reliability of bearing units).

ВАLTECH GmbH - BALTECH VP-3470 – vibration diagnostics of machines, vibration diagnostics of bearingsВАLTECH GmbH - BALTECH VP-3470 – vibration diagnostics of machines, vibration diagnostics of bearings

Romanov Roman
г. Санкт-Петербург
тел.: +49 (0) 451-370-87-700
сайт: http://www.baltech.biz/

Объявление подано: 31.03.2014 Просмотров - 655 Номер: 748190

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