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New infrared camera BALTECH TR- 01200 (160х120) – the infrared camera with a measurement range +700С

This infrared camera BALTECH TR- 01200 provides accurate thermal imaging monitoring: it has a wide temperature measurement range from -20C up to +700C. Besides, the infrared camera has a good resolution 2.2 mrad and a high temperature sensitivity 0.1 C. Automatic detection of hot spots, up to 4 markers, laser pointer and a very short focus distance (0.1 m) make this infrared camera a unique measurement device.
Small dimensions and light weight, convenient and ergonomic design (in can be held in one hand), battery operating time 2.5 hours and built- in storage module ( up to 6500 thermal images) allow to operate with the device for a long period of time. The new infrared camera BALTECH TR-01200 (160х120 with a measurement range up to +700C) is recommended by the enterprises for all tasks on diagnostics of electrical and mechanical equipment. A picture- in-picture function facilitates thermal imaging diagnostics.
The infrared camera has a robust housing. The infrared camera is compatible with standard accessories, which allows to perform fast and accurate thermal image collection for further analysis on PC and IR- diagnostics (thermal imaging control).

New infrared camera BALTECH TR- 01200 (160х120) – the infrared camera with a measurement range +700С

г. Санкт-Петербург
Казахстан, Астана, пр. Победы 79б, офис 408
тел.: (7172) 52-29-42, 52-29-43, 52-29-66
сайт: http://www.baltech.kz

Объявление подано: 11.03.2013 Просмотров - 825 Номер: 622977

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