To rent a country house to Euro 2012 Dear Sirs, We are oferring You to rent a country house for Euro 2012 for period not less then 30 ( thirty) days. This villa is placed in an action area, Dnpropetrovsk region, Novomoskovsk town, Orlovshyna village. The house is surrounded by the softwood and mixedwood forests, Samara river and its confluents. This place is resort environmentally pristine. The land plot area is 0.016 ha. It cultivates firs, pines, birches and cedars. The main house, bath-house and arbor is built by organic firs from the north face of the Carpatian mountain. The total area of the house is 198 m2,it consists of:
- the parlour with kitchen;
- 3 (three) bedroom;
- 2 (two) water closet;
- 2 (two) porches
- loggia ( light, gas,water)
In the bath-house (47 m2), there are:
- the rest room ( 16 m2);
- steam room ( 6 m2);
- bathsprinkler with the oak cask
- shower unit
There is water closet and porch (8 m2).The steam-room finished with cedar, linden and eucalyptus. There is a summer-house (25 m2), barbecue with the rest place.
- byking ( there are two mountain-bikes);
- fishing;
- You can walk in the wood
In 2.5 km there is sanatorium, You can take mineral bath and massage there. We shall provide You with:
- comfortable bus (+ driver);
- cooker (european and ukrainian cooks);
- an enterpreter.
The distanse to the places of Euro 2012:
- Donetsk-220km
- Kharkow-180 km
We shall deliver You to all the matches and excursions.
The pictures of the place will be included
All the questions you can ask by e-mail:
Татьяна г. Москва тел.: +38(050)870-40--31 e-mail:
Объявление подано: 23.03.2012 Просмотров - 313 Номер: 496489