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ВАLTECH GmbH - Spectral vibration diagnostics of pumps, blade frequency and pump cavitation

Spectral vibration diagnostics of pumps is a very important sector of technical diagnostics. Acoustic vibration diagnostics is the most efficient in the whole world. The new portable 2-channel system BALTECH VP-3470 allows performing spectral vibration diagnostics with a high precision and at a high rate by means of two parallel vibration channels «А» and «B». With the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 and the software for database BALTECH Expert it is easy to detect bearing defect signatures, defects of pump impellers (blade frequency) and pump cavitation.

Blade frequency (F blade = F rotation х N blades).
The frequency is calculated by multiplying the rotation frequency by the number of blades. It is to be noted, that the frequency can be present in a spectrum, what is normal and don’t confirm any defect. Different pumps working under different loading conditions have different vibration amplitude at blade frequency. So it is useful to have good pump checking data for reference. Significant change of blade frequency usually denotes some flow restriction.
Cavitation and spectral vibration diagnostics of pumps.
Cavitation occurs when a liquid is subjected to rapid changes because of difference between suction and pump discharge pressures. It causes the formation of cavities and their collapse in a pump. Intensive cavitation can be heard and mistaken for improper bearings. Usually it can be seen in a spectrum of the vibration analyzer BALTECH VP-3470 in the form of noise level rise (broadband spectrum) close to the blade frequency. Longtime cavitation can really damage pump impellers and pump housings. As cavitation in spectrum looks like developed bearing defect, the function PeakVue in the vibration analyzer CSI 2140 can be very useful for pump analysis.
We invite all technicians to our quarterly seminars and training courses «Reliability technologies» of the company BALTECH.

ВАLTECH GmbH - Spectral vibration diagnostics of pumps, blade frequency and pump cavitationВАLTECH GmbH - Spectral vibration diagnostics of pumps, blade frequency and pump cavitation

Romanov Roman
г. Архангельск
тел.: +49 (0) 451-370-87-700
сайт: http://www.baltech.biz/

Объявление подано: 01.04.2014 Просмотров - 689 Номер: 748461

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